City of Cornwall

The City of Cornwall provides dozens of programs and services to residents and the business community. This includes the following key areas:

  • Recreation
  • Social Services
  • Roads
  • Water and Sewer
  • Library
  • Planning
  • Economic Development
  • Paramedics
  • Fire
  • Police

The City maintains a website with detailed information on city programs and services and additional information is available from city staff at several municipal buildings.

The City of Cornwall administration is organized into departments to more effectively deliver City programs and services. The departments include the clerk’s department, the department of financial services, the department of planning parks and recreation, the department of infrastructure and municipal works, economic development, and human resources.

City Council

The City is governed by an elected eleven-member City Council comprised of the Mayor and ten Councilors representing the City as a whole. The Mayor and City Councilors serve four-year terms, and regular meetings are held at City Hall.

  • Address: 360 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON
  • Phone: (613) 930-2787
  • Website: